Eligible CleanPowerSF Customers Can Take Advantage of CARE and FERA

At CleanPowerSF, we work hard to keep our rates low and help customers lower their bills. One way we do that is by connecting CleanPowerSF customers to the CARE and FERA discount programs.

California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) and Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) are monthly bill discount programs designed by the State of California and administered in our area by PG&E. As a CleanPowerSF customer, you can participate in CARE or FERA!

CARE provides at least a 20% discount on a customer’s monthly gas and electricity bill. Customers qualify for CARE based on their income or participation in certain public assistance programs like Food Stamps or Medicaid, and also meet other eligibility requirements.

FERA lowers a customer’s electricity bill by at least 18% every month. To qualify, customers must have a household of at least three people and meet income and eligibility requirements as well.

Whether you are enrolled in CARE or FERA, the discount is applied to both the CleanPowerSF (generation) and PG&E (delivery) portions of the bill. CleanPowerSF customers receive the same CARE or FERA discount as PG&E customers.

For more information about CARE or FERA, visit cleanpowersf.org/loweryourbill or call our customer service line at 415-554-0773.