CleanPowerSF Businesses Promoted Grid Reliability and Saved $183K in 2022

With the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, it pays to conserve—literally.

Through CleanPowerSF’s Peak Day Pricing Program, over 20 large San Francisco businesses conserved energy when California needed it the most last year, and earned a total of $183,000 in incentives. The Peak Day Pricing Program rewards CleanPowerSF commercial customers for reducing their energy when California’s electric grid is strained, like during last September’s extreme heat event. By reducing their energy consumption during these times, these CleanPowerSF businesses helped to keep the lights on for everyone.

CleanPowerSF’s Peak Day Pricing Program, which began in 2018, is unlike other comparable programs. For one, it’s entirely risk-free. Businesses earn financial incentives when asked to conserve on specific days, but unlike other programs, CleanPowerSF does not impose penalties on customers if they are unable to conserve. The program is also flexible, such as when CleanPowerSF doubled its incentive rate for load reductions during that extreme heat wave in September. This bonus offer helped participating businesses increase energy conservation when it was critical to avoid rolling blackouts across the state.

CleanPowerSF’s Peak Day Pricing Program is just one of several programs that help CleanPowerSF customers save money and reduce their carbon footprint. CleanPowerSF also offers a rebate for converting to a heat pump electric water heater, financial support for rooftop solar maintenance, incentives for electric vehicle charging stations, and more.

If your business is on the E-19, B-19, E-20 or B-20 rate schedule and you are interested in participating in CleanPowerSF’s Peak Day Pricing Program, please contact us at Learn more about the program at